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Company NameNylene Canada Inc.
Job PositionExtrusion Operator
Job Location
  • Arnprior
Job Type
  • Full Time
  • Shifts
Anticipated Start Date02/17/2025
Posting End Date03/25/2025
Compensation AmountTBD
Job Requirements
  • Good Communications Skills
  • Attention to Detail
  • Strong Problem Solving Skills
  • Physically Fit Able to Lift 50+lbs
Job Description

KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE - What Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and/or Experience are Needed to Perform the Job?

This job requires the Incumbent to pass an aptitude test. Because of the variety of equipment and functions in the Extrusion Area this operator must be safety conscious, responsible and dependable.

1. The job requires the skill and ability to keep careful process records.
2. The ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing is a prerequisite for good departmental interfacing.
3. It also requires the capability for physical effort in the handling of large/heavy containers.
4. Will participate in current training programs.

PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES - Four to Eight Brief Statements Indicating hat is Done (Action). How it is Done (Method or Means) and Why (End result). List in Order of Importance. (Use Additional Sheet of Paper if Necessary).


1. Operates, attends and regularly checks the extrusion process equipment and ensures that T.J.A., S.M.I. and current operating instructions are being followed.
2. Starts up and shuts down equipment as instructed.
3. Knows, understands and conforms to Plant and Area Safety Rules, and reports all Incident/Near Miss activities.
4. Carries out process measurements and adjustments as necessary and records data as instructed. Samples process for lab as required.
6. Ensures all equipment is functioning correctly and issues shop orders as necessary.
7. Samples various process streams and forwards samples to the Chemical Laboratory for analysis.
8. Ensures a supply of various chemical additives used in the process.
9. Maintains a log book for the unit noting all unusual incidents.
10. Performs housekeeping duties in assigned areas.
11. Responsible for recording area waste.



1. Participates in Company housekeeping programs and reports to management the absence of or defect in any equipment or protective devices.
2. Partakes in training programs for the aspects of each job, including safety and loss prevention.
3. Works in a manner that ensures the safety and protection of oneself, fellow employees and the Company.
4. Familiarizes oneself with all emergency procedures.
5. Reports unsafe conditions or acts promptly to management.

For the most part requires the routine application of experience and T.J.A.'s in effect in the area. However, in the cases of unexpected events i.e. power failure or other emergency conditions the operator must be able to take unsupervised corrective action to prevent damage to personnel or equipment. The operator must be able to act calmly and think rationally when under stress, should be highly motivated and eager to learn.

Carries accountability for the safe, continuous and efficient operation of the facilities and equipment in the assigned areas. Actions are subject to practices and procedures established by supervision and management policies. Reports all incidents so they can be recorded and followed up with corrective actions.

Upload filesExtrusion-Operator1.doc
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